I know it's been a bit since I've posted but with good reasons! Since my last post, one foster son went to another home and a new foster son came to stay with us. The new one is 2 years old! You can imagine that I've been busy adjusting to that not to mention sewing for the jamoboree, finishing our first year of homeschool and TONS of appointments!
SHEW!!! I need a
Anyway, I have been sewing and here is a sampling of some of the new dresses that will be at the jamboree!
This one is available up to size 4T; it would make an adorable top for the older girls though!
Another one that will be available up to a 4T
I love them both but the strip work dress is my favorite! The photo DOES NOT do this one justice.... I've got 8 more just about completed and will add photos as I complete my goals!
Now, I just have to finish 30 chalkmats, 20 crayon rolls, several more tutus and about 30 more babies, some sock monkeys, etc. etc. etc. lol, good thing I don't like sleeping!