December 29, 2008

Spreading a little Love...

I realize that we have just gotten past Christmas and still have New Years to go but I feel that Love is in the air! :) LOL, so cheesy! Anyway, I have big plans and new items perfect for the Loves in your life so I wanted to start out with a fresh look for the upcoming Valentine season...

Look for fabulous new fabrics and new items coming in the next few weeks!

Have a Safe and Fabulous New Years!

December 23, 2008

A Christmas Play...

We had the best Christmas plays this year! Well, the first one wasn't a play but it was beautiful just the same. My son who normally plays guitar for church learned a song on the piano and another of the youth played the guitar... and finally, one of our young men sang. It was a beautiful song by Casting Crowns. I was just so proud of all of them for stepping outside of their normal for our Lord... it's what Christmas is all about: the gift that God gave all of us.

The young kids actually wrote their own play (or at least the idea of it) and it was wonderful! They actually did a little play about salvation and the things we wrestle with in our daily lives. For little kids, I think they get it a lot better than most adults!

Here are a couple of shots from their play...
I'm so thankful that we do have the opportunity to Praise God and Worship him... What a blessing to be able to teach our children the real meaning of the season.
Merry CHRISTmas!

December 20, 2008

Yummy Delights

After all the sewing had been finished, packaged and put away, I decided to make myself a little treat... a new apron with a fancy little J embroidered by Kathy's Bridal... Thanks Kathy! This is just a little sneak peek of the apron in action but I'll post later with a real model.

Pay no attention to the crazy lady in the glasses...

Me, Kara and my little niece Peyton iced the cookies with an easy (but messy) glaze icing recipe. I cheated and used Betty Crocker icing to make initials for all the recipients... They don't look that good but they taste YUMMY! :)

Next treat to make on my list is Rock Candy. I can't wait to have some of that! Yummy!!!

For real cookies, be sure to check out Paula's Blog! She has beautiful cookies and treats!

December 18, 2008

Look what was peeking under my tree!

I just have to show you what I found peeking at all the gifts under our tree! These cute little monkeys will be finding new buddies at Dawn's house this Christmas! Dawn, I hope these guys are just perfect for your kiddos!

Next, a special treat! Kathy requested some cuties and she wanted to add some names to her babies so, here they are... aren't they just precious???? After the holidays, I'll resume orders and will be happy to get your order Monogrammed or a name embroidered by Kathy's... just take a look at how adorable they are!

The last babies, well, they are for an old friend... her girls needed these babies badly and I just had to make sure they got them. Thanks Jamie! I know they will be loved!

Thanks so much to everyone for making my holiday sales the best ever! I'll resume orders the week after Christmas. I can't wait to start on some new ideas for 2009!

December 15, 2008

Babies are Ready!

Finally! The last of the babies are completed! I'm so happy that I've got them finished and I'm going to start emailing everyone now!

Just a few more monkeys to finish and all my holiday orders will be completed. Once all the orders are finished, I'm going to concentrate on getting my home ready for company and starting some holiday baking. I've already told miss Paula that we will be making cookies but I don't think mine will turn out as pretty as hers! I just hope we have an ooey gooey time making them! :)

See my first boys??? I just think they are adorable with their hair sticking up!

Key Fobs ordered for some special people in Florida! They will be shipping in the morning...
I just wonder; do you think the elves get tired by the end of December of creating all those sweet little gifts we love to find under our trees Christmas morning? I'm pretty tired and look forward to a little time off from sewing, now to just get the house in order!

December 11, 2008

Thanks so much!

I just have to tell all of my customers how much I appreciate them! This has been a wonderful year for The Trendy Spot and there is no way it would have been possible without great customers!

Today is the last day for Christmas orders. I have been delaying the end day for a bit now but as I cut out some orders that came in earlier today, I realized I am now out of blond felt for little blond babies. I'm also VERY close to out of brown too. I don't think I will have a chance to order that and it arrive in time for Christmas.

If you would like to place an order that does not need to be completed for Christmas, please feel free!

I do have 2 babies left from the craft show... all others have found a home. If you would like to find out if either of these cuties are still available, please feel free to contact me at

I look forward to posting all these babies I'm working on right now! I even have some cute little guys to show you. ;)

December 7, 2008

And the Winner is...

Well thanks so much for entering! I loved hearing about everyone's favorite gifts as kids. I think my faovrite gift ever was a Crissy doll. She is the big baby one that has the hard body and the growing hair. I still have her and wouldn't trade her for anything! :)

Now, for my winner! I put everyone's name in and had my niece (who twisted her ankle running in church) to draw... She keeps digging and digging and I say 'Peyton just pick one for me' and she says "I am... I'm looking for the winner!" LOL, you can't argue with that logic!

Thanks so much for entering! You are the winner Peyton was looking for!!! I will be emailing you in a few minutes!

Thanks again to everyone for entering and I hope everyone had a wonderful time reflecting on their past Christmases...

December 6, 2008

Christmas Lighting...

At last! We put our tree up last night! It turned out beautiful and we enjoyed hot chocolate and popcorn after we finished our decorating...

We did run into a bit of trouble though... Our angel and tree are just too tall for my ceiling! I went to find a suitable topper today but didnt' find anything that I would like to add to my tree so I'll probably just add a bow till I figure out how to finish off the tree with a beautiful star.

Meanwhile, we had some great fun and Jacob (my oldest) played with my camera and thought this was a cool shot. LOL, I thought it was neat too!

Don't forget!!! I'll be drawing for the baby and mommies gift tomorrow! I can't wait to see which lucky lady gets a little baby doll!

December 5, 2008

Another Sweet Sneak Peek!

Ok this little sweetie was ordered by Brandie! She's ready for her new home but before I send her off, I had to share! I believe this fabric was perfect for this little blond haired, green eyed cutie...

Be sure to post a message below for the give-a-way! That ends tomorrow evening and I'll draw on Sunday! Depending on how my nap goes on Sunday, I'll post either in the afternoon or later in the evening... can't miss my Sunday nap. ;o)

December 4, 2008

Wild About Zebra

I just have to say this has been a great print to work with... so Fun! I have used this zebra print with all kinds of colors and it just works! Lime Green, Hot Pink, Orange, Green, Turquoise and baby pink to name a few...

I just love working with this customer too! Kasey previously bought a Zebra Wallet and decided to treat herself to a checkbook cover to match... hers features hot pink lining. A special someone in her life will be receiving the Turquoise lined Zebra Wallet and Checkbook set for a Christmas gift! I hope she enjoys it!

Watch for a few more sneak peeks in the next few days! Lots to finish before Christmas arrives!

December 1, 2008

A little Christmas give-a-way

I've been "toying" with this for a bit now but since it is Christmas, I think it's time!

This contest will be open to everyone who posts a message to my blog telling me about their favorite gift as a child or earn an extra entry by adding a link to it from your blog or website.

I will leave this open until Decemember 6th and select a winner (random number from a santa hat!) and announce the winner on December 7th... What is the give-a-way you ask???

Well, one of my new little Rag Dolls and a suprise gift for Mommie! So, tell everyone about this little give-a-way and post!

Good Luck to everyone...

Sneak Peek!

Here is a quick peek at 3 of the orders going out today... 4 more are nearly completed and one more will be started today. So, that will leave me ready for a couple more that have come in.

Please email me for more information on these sweet rag dolls as I have not added them to the website just yet...

A group shot of some of the babies available for immediate shipping/delivery... each Baby is $15.00 plus shipping (if needed) and have no parts that would present a choking hazard to babies. I have noticed that the little girls just love them! Their arms are just the right size to wrap around a little one...
Available with 4 different Hair Colors; Red, Blond, Black and Brown. Lots of Eye color combinations and fabrics to personalize your little one a rag doll.
Hopefully, I'll post the other sneak peek later this morning!

November 30, 2008

A little Christmas Cheer...

I decided to change the look a little of my blog and get it ready for the Christmas Season! I hope to hang some decorations over the next week here at the house too but first, I have a few orders to finish up! I'll also be posting a few items that are available for immediate delivery if you are looking for a handmade holiday gift...

I have a few Sock Monkeys left and just a couple more of my Rag Dolls. Custom orders will be taken locally up until December 15th and delivered no later than December 23rd. Orders from my website will be taken until December 8th to insure plenty of time for Christmas Delivery.

Sneak peeks coming tomorrow!

November 29, 2008

Family Additions...

I hope everyone had a wonderful, relaxing Thanksgiving! We did and I'm really glad it's over. Afterall, I'm stuffed! :)

Let me do a little updating here...
Kara had her birthday the end of October and she wanted a hamster like her brother. So, on Halloween, we set off to the pet store and she picked out a beautiful little friendly girl. She named her Lizzy. We were told Lizzy was about 6 weeks old or so. Great! We got her home, set up in her new living space and play with her a bit. She's very friendly and easy to handle. Below is a picture of Lizzy at Kara's Birthday Party...

About a week later, I'm working away trying to get things finished for the craft show when I hear some horrible screaming from Kara! I think she's hurt, or maybe she just saw someone hurt (her oldest brother was sighting in his Bow) and I jump up to find out what was going on. After about 2 minutes of her dancing around and crying, she finally tells me that Lizzy has babies! Of course I'm in disbelief and go check it out for myself. Sure enough! Lizzy has 8 little babies!!! Kara had gone to pick her up and play with her and 4 little babies fall off of her. Luckily, no one touched the babies and they all got back under momma. They are now 3 weeks old and ready for a new home of their own.

If you are interested, Kara is sending them to new homes and will be spending any money she earns from them on her Christmas boxes for some of the local kids in need. You can email me at if you would like more information. They are adorable and hopefully will make some kids really happy...

By the way, if you have a custom order from me, they will be going out Monday and Tuesday of next week. I have new babies, checkbooks, wallets and a few other items nearing completion. Please remember that all Christmas orders need to be placed no later than December 8th to ensure time to create your item!

November 25, 2008

I survived!!!

I made it through the craft show weekend!!! I did catch a nasty little cold and I'm starting to feel better but that was one thing I could have left there...

Thanks so much to all my wonderful customers that came back by my booth this year and visited with me.

I did forget my camera but got a couple with my cell phone. Sorry they're not better quality... The first one has all my little plush buddies, jewelry, crayon rolls and wallets. You can also see the tutus peeking out. They got moved to the front when we opened for business. The second one shows all the bows, bow holders, key fobs and flower pins... and the last one shows all my bags.

I can't thank my customers enough! I look forward to next year!

November 21, 2008

Craft Show starts today!!!

Well, it is that time of year again and the Craft Show starts today! I have pictures on my cell phone, just can't figure out how to send them to my computer. :) Yes, I know I email them but my phone is a bit out of date and keeps telling me to check settings. You get the picture... I'm not savy with cell phones at all! :)

I got everything set up yesterday and just have a few things left to finish up when I get there this morning. It looks pretty nice, I just wish I'd had a little more time to finish up a few more items. Isn't that the way it is though? Always looking for more time?

Anyway, off to make a fresh pot of coffee and get ready to have a great day at the show! Hope to see you there!!!

November 11, 2008

Crazy Busy!!!

Ok, I know I'm not blogging much these days but after I get a few minutes to take some pictures, you'll see why!
October is always a busy month for my family, we have 2 birthdays to celebrate and a craft fair to prepare for...
This year, I'm a bit behind on my items for the craft fair since I've had so many local orders. I'm not complaining at all, I'm very grateful to my customers for their business! So, now I'm catching up and gearing up for a great craft show at the McMinnville Civic Center...
I won't promise anything, but if I can, I am going to take pictures of some of the new items I'll have available at the show!
Mark your date books now and I'll see you November 21 and 22!
Can't wait to see you there!!!

October 27, 2008

What a Weekend!!

We had a very busy but great weekend! We joined up with the hunting team PassinTime Outdoors for a juvinile hunt that would benefit St Judes Cancer Research... The hunt was sponsored by Kid's Hunting for a Cure and was held in Fayetteville TN.

They had great activities for the kids; from train rides to archery, entertainment was everywhere...

It was great to see all these adults out trying to encourage kids to enjoy the outdoors and care for it.

My son Dakota and my other sons' girlfriend, Tiffany, hunted and both of them got a doe. Dakota and Tiffany had great guides and a wonderful land owner that opened up his land to these kids. Without them, they would not have had a successful hunt!

We are very tired but enjoyed ourselves and can't wait to do this hunt again next year!

October 14, 2008

More Wedding Photos

I just love how these pictures turned out and wanted to share.
For the first one, my little girls didn't want to sit like princesses but pose like super models so the bride just helps them out... how cute!

I think we kind of suprised the groom by having the bridesmaids give a little kiss! LOL, he told one of the girls "hey, you're a married woman!" so the husband to bridesmaid reminded the groom that he was a married man!

For this last one, everyone was getting a little silly and having some fun out of all those pictures that had to be taken. What hams! I'm glad they had fun with it... sometimes all those pictures just makes you grumpy but not this bunch!

October 12, 2008

Wedding Peak of Tyler and Stephanie

This weekend has been a blur of photos! I got a great chance to take pictures for Tyler and Stephanie's wedding and was scared to death I would mess up their pictures. After all, you only get 1 shot at those pictures!

Thankfully, they are beautiful and here are a couple I have had a chance to play with... I hope they are everything they want from their photos and will add to their memories of their special day.

Congratulations Guys!!!

October 9, 2008

Birthday Weekend

It's been so busy around here! We celebrated Dakota's 12th birthday this past weekend and since Miss Tiffany had a birthday on Saturday, we celebrated hers as well... Here are a few pictures!

This is Dakota with his birthday gift from us... he got a golden Fancy Hamster complete with cage, food, bedding & play toy not to mention $$$$ that he got from everyone else! :)

He also had a very yummy ice cream cake! But, the mice got into it a bit. ;o) At least that is what his Nanna told him as she brought it up.

Since Miss Tiffany has been with Jakey Poo, she has been asking for a purse. Of course, she knew she would get one for her birthday! :o) I let her pick her fabric and boy, she had a hard time with that! I think she and Jakey spent about 2 hrs going through fabrics! I think she ended up with a fine selection of Passion Dandy Damask with a solid pink interior. I hope she is enjoying her bag...

Miss Tiffany also got another special gift from my son... they have been together for 6 months now. (That's forever in Teenager time) Below is a picture of her gift.

No, it's not an engagement ring, but a promise ring. It's an adorable little ring and I helped pick it out... Not a real diamond either. He bought a beautiful ring with a 1/2 carot CZ stone in it and it actually looks like my diamond! I compared them in the store so he could see that it didn't look too cheesy. When the time comes for the real ring, I will be sure to pick her out a beautiful diamond of course. ;o)

Well, that's about all for now! I will be posting some pictures of some orders I've had over the last few weeks as soon as I can and a wedding that I will be helping with over the weekend too. Have a great day!

September 25, 2008

September 22, 2008


Yes, I know... I've been MIA! It has been a crazy month and I don't see any let-up until after the first of the year.

Some of you may already know but many won't know that I am in the middle of preparing for a craft show that I do annually in November. I usually do this show and do pretty well with it but last year with the economy doing so badly, I really felt it at my booth and I think most of the other vendors did as well. I don't think as many people came out and certainly weren't buying.

Other reasons for the MIA have been a steady stream of orders that I am working to complete as they come in while working on the show's inventory. I'll post pictures of an order I am completing for a couple of people later this week. I hope they turn out as well as I think they will!

In other news, we are also in the process of taking the foster parenting classes and that is very over-whelming. At the first session, they give you a 2" binder full of papers that have to be completed along with another binder that we use for class. Needless to say, I have not written that much since High School! I keep getting writer's cramp and have to take a break from my paper work! It's a shame that our system isn't better to get those kids into good homes. Enough of that or my heart will break. I have to consider this very carefully because I attach to children very easily... lots of love to give away from our household.

At at last, a few new bows are available at The Trendy Spot! Just in time for halloween, order yours now! I do have a big girls bow(s) that I will be adding later today and some beautiful Christmas bows to add later this week! I'll be adding lots more info soon!

August 25, 2008

Congratulations to Penny!

Wow!!! We have had so many wonderful people enter the wallet give-a-way and now have a winner!

Congratulations to Penny who selected Poppies in Fucshia. This will be going out soon!

In other news, I am working with another blog for another give-a-way. This one will be for a Necklace and will kick off our jewelry on the site as well.

Be sure to check back for more information on that soon!

August 19, 2008

2 Posts in one day!

Well, I wouldn't normally post two times in one day but I was able to finish an order earlier today and edit some photos so I thought I'd share this order with you!

It turned out so adorable and I hope that the recipient loves this bag as much as I do!

This customer requested this two toned medium sized handbag with Longer handles and a magnetic snap I am pleased with how this turned out!

Lots of the new necklaces have been completed and are in the process of being photographed and added to the website! Be sure to check back next week for this addition...

Much Excitement over this little critter!

This morning as I tried my best to get back to sleep after seeing the kids off to school, my dear husband was busy making lots of racket!

As he was preparing to leave for work, he spotted a little critter that should have been hid out in the middle of our driveway! So, he rushes in for my camera and here are some of the shots he got before he had to figure out what to do with the little guy...

My Husband and another feller caught the little bandit and has called our local game warden who has told them he will have to be distroyed. I know this sounds a little harsh but this is a night time animal out in the day time, a very good indication that he has rabies. So, sadly, this little guy has had his last romp but he will be remembered!