December 20, 2008

Yummy Delights

After all the sewing had been finished, packaged and put away, I decided to make myself a little treat... a new apron with a fancy little J embroidered by Kathy's Bridal... Thanks Kathy! This is just a little sneak peek of the apron in action but I'll post later with a real model.

Pay no attention to the crazy lady in the glasses...

Me, Kara and my little niece Peyton iced the cookies with an easy (but messy) glaze icing recipe. I cheated and used Betty Crocker icing to make initials for all the recipients... They don't look that good but they taste YUMMY! :)

Next treat to make on my list is Rock Candy. I can't wait to have some of that! Yummy!!!

For real cookies, be sure to check out Paula's Blog! She has beautiful cookies and treats!

1 comment:

Kandice said...

They look awesome! Please please share the rock candy recipe :)