October 27, 2008

What a Weekend!!

We had a very busy but great weekend! We joined up with the hunting team PassinTime Outdoors for a juvinile hunt that would benefit St Judes Cancer Research... The hunt was sponsored by Kid's Hunting for a Cure and was held in Fayetteville TN.

They had great activities for the kids; from train rides to archery, entertainment was everywhere...

It was great to see all these adults out trying to encourage kids to enjoy the outdoors and care for it.

My son Dakota and my other sons' girlfriend, Tiffany, hunted and both of them got a doe. Dakota and Tiffany had great guides and a wonderful land owner that opened up his land to these kids. Without them, they would not have had a successful hunt!

We are very tired but enjoyed ourselves and can't wait to do this hunt again next year!

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