December 28, 2009

Christmas Events with the Bond Family

It has been a whirlwind of events here at our home over the last week! Let me start with Michelle Faith Bond...
As many of you know, we became foster parents with the intent to adopt. We had certain things that we felt were important to our family that we would liked to had seen out of the child God had for us... With the 3rd phone call, we were told about Michelle. She was a ward of the state of TN and was waiting for a home would we be interested? After talking with them, we agreed to meet Michelle and when we did, we just knew she was ours. On June 16th, she was allowed to move in and our 6 month wait began. December 16th, our wait was over. We could officially adopt Michelle and on December 22nd, it was final! We decided because she was older, that we would keep Michelle as her first name but add Faith as her middle name. She had to have faith that we would do what would be in her best interest and we had to have faith that God would lead us in this young lady's life. So, Michelle Faith Bond is officially our daughter!

12th birthday... first birthday party

Adoption Day... Thanks to Judge Bart Stanley for fitting us in during the busy holiday season & court schedule.
This has been a long journey that is still not complete... Michelle has had 12 years of bad things and we have only had 6 months to show her good things. Please keep us in your prayers as God will have to lead us in raising this wonderful young lady.

We also had several other events going on like trying to make our gingerbread house. Ummm... it didn't work out so we ate it! LOL, the icing just wouldn't dry and the house kept falling in so here are some pictures of the kids trying to make the house!

At least it was FUN right? Not to mention TASTY with all that candy! YUMMY!!!!

We also had the church Christmas play... Kara and Michelle played the lead roles in this years event and we had so many wonderful little ones helping make this play SPECIAL! It was perfect! :) I hope everyone enjoyed the play as much as I did helping put it together. I laughed every time we practiced and had a wonderful time with the kids!

The rest of the week had been busy with lots of family events and visits from friends. I am happy to say that Christmas was wonderful even though we had a clogged septic tank that my poor hubby had to clean out. I will leave you with a few pictures taken before the kids got up Christmas morning and found the goodies under the tree....

I hope your Christmas was as BLESSED as mine was!

December 17, 2009

Christmas is just around the corner and of course, the new year is approaching quickly. As I look back, I can tell you that God has truely blessed me this year... lots of new clients, plenty of orders to help out the family budget, and a new child. Yes, a new 12 year old daughter. I have been blessed. Our adoption will be final on December 22nd. How's that for a Christmas present? Since DCS says I can't post pictures of her, it'll have to wait until December 22nd for us to introduce you to Michelle Faith Bond but rest assured, we have plenty of photos and will be posting away.

Other than an early Christmas present, I still have tons of baking to do, the kids will be doing a gingerbread house tomorrow. (Yes, I'm cheating!!! It's a wonka kit from the grocery store!!!) And I will attempt to do a little more wrapping tomorrow while they work on the house. I'll try to take some photos so you can see their creativity. I did manage to make some rootbeer rock candy the other day and it turned out pretty good if I do say so myself! So I can technically take the candy making off the list righ? LOL, yes, I'm making more!

We will be getting the house in TIP TOP SHAPE Monday and baking cookies after everything is in its place and after that, well, we'll just take it easy until Christmas Eve. I do have some shopping left to finish. Just a few things. But enough to drive me crazy. Yes, I will be a crazy person shopping at the last minute this year. I just haven't had the time to shop like I normally do! Oh well, at least I know what I'm getting everyone, just have to go get it and that will be my first chance to do so.

There are 3 babies left. Only blond ones. If you are interested, they are 20.00 each and I can deliver her to you by Monday or Tuesday. Just let me know!

Well, its nearly supper time so I guess I need to make some huh?


December 9, 2009

Ready to Go Gifts!

Ok, so here are the babies that are left... just a couple girls and a couple boys. I won't be making any new babies until the first of the year but I have lots of great ideas for some really cute things!

The second baby on the top row is sold... just 5 more girls left!

There are only four little boys left. With their messy hair, you will be sure to fall in love with one of these little guys...

Also, this weekend, there will be a benefit auction for my Uncle Bill Barnhill. Many of you may know him or he may have done work on your car for you. He was the body shop manager for Willmore Ford for years before opening his own business on Smithville Hwy. He just recently moved his shop next to his home just before he came down sick. He has been without work now for nearly 3 months, and of course, medical bills won't wait for you to go back to work... neither does electricity or water or groceries. But, we can all have a hand in helping out. I know its been hard on everyone financially this year but if you can, please try to make it to the Lucky Community Center for a Ham dinner at 4:00 this Saturday with a benefit auction to follow! Lots of goodies will be auctioned. I've got a few things going to this auction so if you are looking for shower gifts, here you go!

This basket includes a small diaper bag, Sleepy baby, Minky Baby Quilt, Set of 2 Burp Cloths & a Paci Clip.

The boys basket will include a Large Diaper Bag, Sleepy Baby, Minky Rag Baby Quilt, Set of 2 Burp Cloths & a Paci Clip.

These would make a wonderful gift for someone you love and will help a wonderful family as well! Hope to see you there!!!

December 8, 2009

Merry Christmas!

Well, I have managed to finish all but my last order before my delivery date of the 12th and believe I will have it finished by then! At least it is started. ;o)

For those of you that didn't get to place an order, I do have a few babies left from the craft show and just 6 chalk mats... there are 3 camo mats and 2 froggy mats and one baseball mat. The babies are varied and I'll be posting pictures later tonight. These are great last minute gifts or perfect for stocking stuffers but hurry! They will be gone soon!!!

I will be resuming orders after the first part of January... I am looking forward to my little break and spending time baking cookies, trying some candy recipes and just being with the family during this wonderful season!

Remember that Christ is the reason for this holiday season and we should keep Christ in CHRISTmas!