February 19, 2009

Looking Back...

It's been 18 years... some long and some short. Some hard and some so sweet! I'm talking about the last 18 years of my oldest son's life. He was born on February 20th at 2:02 AM in 1991. Seems like yesterday.

Watching him grow from a sweet baby boy into a silly little toddler and now, a fine young man. He still has lots to learn but I'm sure he will do just fine if he listens to God's word and works hard to do his best.

I have been struggling to let him go a little more each day and it's so hard to realize that they don't need you like they did as little babies. At the same time, I'm proud that he doesn't need me so much.

He graduates this year and will start a new chapter in his life and will start making his own path in life.

Happy Birthday Jacob!

1 comment:

LeAnne Grissom said...

Wow! He looks just like his dad did all thoes years ago at Dibrell. There is no doubt who he belongs too! Why is it that the boys look just like the dad?