March 1, 2009

I've been tagged

I've been tagged!
***4 jobs I've had
1. Office assistant
2. Department Store
3. Waitress
4. Insurance Processer/Insurance Collector
***4 movies i've watch over and over
1. Gone with the Wind
2. My kids movies
***4 places I've lived
1. Florida
2. Texas
3. Tennessee
***4 shows I watch
1. Biggest Loser
2. King of Queens
3. Little People, Big World
4. John & Kate Plus 8
***4 people who email me
1. Kelvin
2. Julie
3. Tina
4. Customers
***4 places I've been
1. Chicago
2. Alabama
3. Mexico
4. Disney World
***4 favorite things/places to eat
1. Steaks
2. Pasta
3. Sea Food
4. Yummy Sweets
*4 places I'd rather be
1. Fabric Store
2. Church
3. Swimming Pool
4. Sleeping
*4 things I look forward to this year
1. Jacob's Graduation
2. Our anniversary
3. Working on our home
4. Spring

Ok, so I don't know who to tag so I'll think about it! :)

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