January 30, 2009

Special Prayer Request...

Danessa & Britton Cantrell lost their little angel early this morning after battling medical problems since she was born. Little Mylie Beth Cantrell is suffering no more, the Lord is now watching over her.

Words can't express how this affects me... I can't imagine what they are going through. I just know the best thing I can do for them is pray for them and offer any help or support that I can for the whole family...
They need our prayers and love, so please remember them tonight as you pray.

Oh La La! A Valentine Sneak Peek!

This sweet dress is for Sally's Sweetheart... I know she will be so cute in this fabulous little strip work dress!

This strip worked dress features the city of "Love" and has hearts galore but won't be specifically for Valentines! Add a tee under it for the cold weather we've been having and some sweet jeans and later, when the weather warms, where it with just a tee and no jeans!

I do love these dresses because they are so versatile! Go ahead and contact me today for your special set... custom sets are available for Easter and don't forget Saint Patricks Day is coming! Need something GreeN???

You can email me for ideas or tell me yours and we'll work together for the perfect outfit for your upcoming special day!

January 29, 2009

Fireproof Movie

After much anticipation, I did really like the movie! It was great and I think it can help a lot of couples who feel there is nothing left of their marriages. Only with God's help can a marriage stay on track.

Our church will be hosting a marriage class/event in which we will be showing the movie on February 8th. As soon as I have more details, I'll post them but I wanted to invite all my bloggy buddies out for this!

Well, I better get back to my sewing room so I can get some work finished today!

January 27, 2009


Finally!!! It's here and I got a copy this morning!

I have been a fan of these guys since they made their first movie, Flywheel, (which is excellent by the way!) and have waited to see this movie since I first heard about it.

I've got a couple of newlyweds coming over tonight to view the movie with us and guess what??? I'm missing Biggest Loser to watch this one! So, one of you biggest losser fans will have to fill me in on the adventures of Joelle this week... will she ruin her friends chance to come back tonight??? I thought she was a goner last week and can't believe they let her stay!

Anyway, back to the movie! I'll post a review of it as soon as I'm finished watching it!

Off to finish some orders!

January 23, 2009

New Fabrics!

I got out today and got a few additions for my fabric stash! I've got plans for them but still, aren't they so pretty? I hate cutting into them sometimes!

The first one here is a sassy little print for a friend who loves aprons... we have a black with little white dots to make a sassy ruffle and some red piping to accent. I think this is going to be one rockin' little apron! I'll post pictures when I get it finished sometime next week.

Next up are two great little prints for Valentines... I'm not sure if they are spoken for or not yet but if they aren't, that first print is getting used by me! :)

And last but not least, This great harlequin is marked for a special Easter Treat! I'll be taking orders once I get the proto-type finished so be on the look-out for this one... These will be sold on a first come, first serve basis! I'm super excited and can't wait to show you this treat!

Other than fabrics, I didn't get much else done today! I've been in Cookeville all day and had a great day with my friends and my little buddy Derick from church! He is just so cute that I could just eat him up!

January 22, 2009

PPSSTT!!! Have you heard???

About this great little give-a-way? These two ladies have teamed up to have a great little business and are offering - One free silhouette design, an 8x10 print, AND a custom silhouette pendant!!!

What more could you want??? Be sure to use the link below or to the right to check these girls out and see how pretty these silhouettes are!

January 21, 2009

New Sleepy Baby!

I don't know about you guys, but I've had a little trouble getting back into a good routine after the holidays... kids went back to school and have had a holiday and now snow days. Of course, with the kids home, they are bored and haven't been able to do too much with the weather we've had.
I did manage to finish a couple of orders along with a new baby that was inspired partly because of the weather and partly because I'd love to be sleeping like a baby too!

This sweet sleeping beauty is super soft and sweet! For this sweetie, I wanted her to wear a little sleeper to help keep her all warm and snuggly during this cold weather so I used some of the softest minky. Her little hands and toes are all toasty warm!

Just look at her little face! She smiles as she sleeps... doesn't she look like a little angel?

And how about this cutie??? This is a custom order for Miss Kasie's little niece Kaleigh. I don't think this little girl is lacking any love!

If you didn't get a baby for Christmas, be sure to get your little Valentine Sweetie a little snugly baby of her own for Valentines! Order your baby before Feburary 10th to ensure a Valentine Delivery!

January 17, 2009

Preparing for Valentines...

I don't know about you, but I think Valentines is a special day! I can't think of any other day when we are allowed to get all gushy over our sweeties.

I try to have my kids a little goody or two for them to start their day out with and when everyone gets home in the evening, it's time for a nice family meal. Something special... I think last year it was crab legs and salads. Yummy!
For my customers, I do have several great gifts available for your little sweeties... A new baby will be posted sometime this coming week... she is sleeping and is SUPER soft!!! Can't wait for her to make her debut! In the meantime, check out these minky bears. Aren't they precious?

Also, I'm wrapping up my custom orders for Valentines so be sure to get with me if you would like something special. I'll work with you to come up with something unique for your cutie. Check out Halle's set from a year or two ago; It's so Halle!

My email is finally working so go ahead and email me your ideas and we'll go from there. I can't wait to hear from you!

Bundle up and stay warm the rest of the weekend!

January 16, 2009

Email Troubles...

If anyone has tried to reach me through my email in the last day or two, I'm not ignoring you!

For whatever reason, my website server is having trouble with the email accounts and I've been down since yesterday early afternoon.

They were supposed to have it back up last night so I went to bed with the hopes of checking my email first thing this morning but that was not to be.

The latest is that it will be back up after 8:00 pm tonight. That is, it "should" be back up.
So, with that being said, if you still can't get me, you can email me at kbond@blomand.net

I can't wait to hear from you!

January 15, 2009

BBBRRRR! It's soooo cold!!!

I don't think I remember it being this cold for such a long time! I've got layers of clothes on and I'm still chilly in the house. LOL, I think that is just me though.

As I was checking the weather on my local news website, I noticed that some of the schools are starting to close for tomorrow... because of the freezing cold temps. I know when I had to send the kids out this morning, I felt bad for them.

Just got the call!!! The kids are out of school tomorrow!!! Now, what to do all day long? I'll have to come up with a project to keep them busy for sure.

And my poor little chickens! They look so cold out there clucking around in their pen.

I'm off to pour me another hot cup of coffee so I can empty the pot and make hot cocoa for the kids when they get here.

Anyone got any snow day ideas??? I think I need a few!

January 12, 2009

Beautiful Hair!

I was browsing through blogs yesterday (like I did't have anything else to do!) and ran across one that I just had to post about!

This is one talented lady for sure! She does her daughter's hair in these fabulous styles and designs and they are just beautiful! I defiently thought of some of my pageant clients and maybe they would like to see some of these. http://cute2tryhairdos.blogspot.com/

These hair designs are just beautiful, they are also practical. Lots of great ways of keeping that hair neat and tidy all day long. I practiced a couple of these last night and her instructions are great too.

I hope you guys enjoy her blog as much as I did!

Special Prayers....

Here is a special Prayer request going out for Andy Dunn and his family. I don't know them personally, but my Heavenly Father does. Please remember them today as they go in for testing.
The following info came from Krumbz by Paula blogspot...
Please PRAY for the beautiful & brave, Andy Dunn and his family.
He is having a PET Scan today!
*(if you have a blog, Paula Morris asked EVERYONE to copy this picture, & post a special prayer request)

January 10, 2009

Did you guess???

So, did anyone try to figure out what that black thing was? Well, it's chalk fabric! Here's what I made today with the chalk fabric...

These fun little mats are great for your little artist! Perfect for fun on the go, these mats wipe clean with a wet sponge and are ready for more drawing fun.

These guys roll up for easy storage, stash it in your diaper bag or purse for good quiet fun. Great for church, doctors office visits or any time you need quiet fun!

Get the front personalized with your Little Sweeties Name... This one is for my little niece, Peyton. Hopefully, it will help her stay quiet during church tomorrow!

Rain, Rain, Go Away...

Well, I hate to complain about it raining today since we have been so low on water for so long but I had planed a fabric shopping trip to Fayetteville today and canceled due to the weather. I had to bring a couple of my kiddos with me and I really dislike dragging them out in this kind of weather. Anyway, I've put it off for another couple of weekends and will get there soon I hope.

In other news... I do have some new items to finish today!!! So, as soon as I finish going through my daughter's clothing that she keeps outgrowing, I'll get to the sewing room. Hopefully, I'll have 2 eager little models for the items this evening! Here's a sneak peek of the fabric... See if you can guess what it is! :)

I'll give you a little hint... it starts with a C and ends with a K! I can't wait to see how it turns out and how the kids like it. :)

January 4, 2009

Rhino the hamster

I don't get to watch movies very often but since my shutdown time was nearing an end, I decided to take my neice to the movies for her birthday... we went to see Bolt in 3D and loved it! My favorite character wasn't the lead, it was the little guy in a ball: Rhino. Funny name for a little hamster!

Anyway, I just loved his personality... full of energy, ready to take on new challenges, sure and confident. He was a little guy with a BIG personality! How many times do we look at a challenge and say "if I only had more help I could do that" or "if only I was smarter" or "if only -- you fill in the blanks". This little guy didn't limit himself; he was full steam ahead! I like that! I hope I'm teaching my own kids that it doesn't matter about your size, if you put your mind to it, you can accomplish it.

I'm excited to be heading back to the sewing room! I have some new ideas to work on and a new line for kids clothes! I'm so anxious to get this part started and modeled... I haven't decided on my model yet so I can't start those until I finalize that part with the size(s) I will need. But, until I decide for sure on my little model for 2009, I have some great new purse ideas that I want to get started right away... I hope they turn out as good in person as they have in my head. I'm hoping to use some romantic floral prints for this purse line...

Let me know your thoughts on these... I think they will be great for sping but need your input! What colors would you like to see more of? A sneak peek will be coming soon so check back shortly for that...

January 1, 2009

Who are you???

Your result for Are You a Jackie or a Marilyn? Or Someone Else? Mad Men-era Female Icon Quiz...

You Are a Bette!


You are a Bette -- "I must be strong"

Bettes are direct, self-reliant, self-confident, and protective.

How to Get Along with Me

  • * Stand up for yourself... and me.

  • * Be confident, strong, and direct.

  • * Don't gossip about me or betray my trust.

  • * Be vulnerable and share your feelings. See and acknowledge my tender, vulnerable side.

  • * Give me space to be alone.

  • * Acknowledge the contributions I make, but don't flatter me.

  • * I often speak in an assertive way. Don't automatically assume it's a personal attack.

  • * When I scream, curse, and stomp around, try to remember that's just the way I am.

What I Like About Being a Bette

  • * being independent and self-reliant

  • * being able to take charge and meet challenges head on

  • * being courageous, straightforward, and honest

  • * getting all the enjoyment I can out of life

  • * supporting, empowering, and protecting those close to me

  • * upholding just causes

What's Hard About Being a Bette

  • * overwhelming people with my bluntness; scaring them away when I don't intend to

  • * being restless and impatient with others' incompetence

  • * sticking my neck out for people and receiving no appreciation for it

  • * never forgetting injuries or injustices

  • * putting too much pressure on myself

  • * getting high blood pressure when people don't obey the rules or when things don't go right

Bettes as Children Often

  • * are independent; have an inner strength and a fighting spirit

  • * are sometimes loners

  • * seize control so they won't be controlled

  • * figure out others' weaknesses

  • * attack verbally or physically when provoked

  • * take charge in the family because they perceive themselves as the strongest, or grow up in difficult or abusive surroundings

Bettes as Parents

  • * are often loyal, caring, involved, and devoted

  • * are sometimes overprotective

  • * can be demanding, controlling, and rigid

Take Are You a Jackie or a Marilyn? Or Someone Else? Mad Men-era Female Icon Quiz
at HelloQuizzy

New Year, New Fabrics

I just love new! :) Doesn't matter much what, I just love new. I have finally gotten some new fabrics added to the site and can't wait to see how some of them are worked up with some of your ideas... like the first fabric; I've used it but with your ideas, it'll take on a whole new look!

The next fabric I've added is such a fun, cheerful print. Perfect for an outfit or for a purse! This one has the prettiest green for a background. The little cherries have a sweet little white dot giving this fabric a wonderful personality.

One of the new items I've added for 2009 are some great Hair Bow holders. Those of you who visited my booth at the Civic Center Craft Show may have seen them... these feature a bow that your little sweetie can wear and when she's not, it has a place at the top of the holder to keep it pretty. This holder is different than most of the ribbon holders you've seen because it also can handle Head Bands neatly! It has two loops to keep all those headbands neat and tidy. Don't worry, there is still plenty of room for all your bows! These can be made with any 5/8" ribbon to match any decor.

Lots of new stuff will be added as we go through January... be sure to check back and let me know what you think of the new fabrics and any special color combinations that you may be looking for. I've got a couple of shopping dates coming up for fabrics!

I look forward to hearing what you would like to see for 2009!

Happy New Year!

Wow!!! How time flies huh? Seems like just yesterday I was in High School day-dreaming about getting married and how glamorous my life would be. Needless to say, it didn't take long for reality to set in. I have a wonderful life, but not glamorous! :)
I haven't made any resolutions but there are some goals I'd like to accomplish this next year and I'd really like to be a better witness for Christ. That is my main goal this coming year. I try to live for him, but I'm not always a great witness.
For my little business, I hope to serve my customers with a smile and sense of caring for their needs. I hope to bring new items that will help them in their daily lives and add a little beauty around them.I hope to treat them the way I would want to be treated; honestly, with respect and friendship.
I look forward to working with you in 2009!