January 15, 2009

BBBRRRR! It's soooo cold!!!

I don't think I remember it being this cold for such a long time! I've got layers of clothes on and I'm still chilly in the house. LOL, I think that is just me though.

As I was checking the weather on my local news website, I noticed that some of the schools are starting to close for tomorrow... because of the freezing cold temps. I know when I had to send the kids out this morning, I felt bad for them.

Just got the call!!! The kids are out of school tomorrow!!! Now, what to do all day long? I'll have to come up with a project to keep them busy for sure.

And my poor little chickens! They look so cold out there clucking around in their pen.

I'm off to pour me another hot cup of coffee so I can empty the pot and make hot cocoa for the kids when they get here.

Anyone got any snow day ideas??? I think I need a few!

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